
Così il piccolo principe addomesticò la volpe. E quando l’ora della partenza fu vicina: “Ah!” disse la volpe, “…Piangerò”. ” La colpa è tua”, disse il piccolo principe, “Io, non ti volevo far del male, ma tu hai voluto che ti addomesticassi…” ” È vero”, disse la volpe. ” Ma …

More November exercises

Since November is coming to an end in a few days, let’s say I dedicated this whole November to improve my skills. I practiced some more realistic paintings because I had in mind to propose for a certain kind of publications, but also because I like challenges and to experiment …

Protetto: Una storia.

Non è disponibile alcun riassunto in quanto si tratta di un articolo protetto.

November Exercises

I’m dedicating this november to game design and to improve my drawing skills. Game Design First, I keep working at WePassion on Cute Clicker Heroes and on a new game related to this Brand – because yes, we’re using one of those monsters as the main hero in a small …

Cute Clicker Heroes

I started working at WePassion s.r.l. since October 2014 and it’s been a really absorbing and exciting experience so far. This project was conceived as a simple clicker game but I’m doing so many cute little monsters that they’re going out of my control, I didn’t even know I could create  …