Hello folks who actually read my blog. I love you.
So, as a gift for reading these lines, I’ll gift you with a lite free version of my Fashion Girl Maker Tool. The file is in illustrator and I enclosed the instructions, I need you folks to evaluate if it’s easy to use and if you like it, so here it is!
Since I didn’t want to leave you the supercool stuff – LOL I’m SO MEAN – I stretched the body to make the midget me so you’ll be able to play with this doll version. You can use it in your projects – why not? but you need to link back to my website.
Enjoy this freebie, and if you had fun please consider offering me a beer – girls enjoy beers too ya know! – and unleashing the magical power of the business ladies avatars by following the banner down here. v
Actually I did the profession accessories more for a fetish of mine rather than for a real commercial purpose. I mean, those avatars are great for magazine stuff such as interviews to female specialists or… dunno some book cover like “Erika’s amazing recipes” (I actually found one about exercising and I though it was quite cool! but that’s my opinion lol) but let’s face it people love the sexy nurse rather than the standard doctor, don’t they?
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Thank you for sharing! Remember to link me back 😉 and enjoy!
Download The Fashion Girl Maker – Erikari – Lite VersionThe tool is composed of a main .AI file, well organized and ready to use, pick a color and export in your favorite extension.
If you have suggestions for next kits or generators to make your own characters with feel free to comment here or on my graphicriver page.
By the way if you join my mailing list I’ll attach some more freebies there. Mind subscribing?